Noticeboard for parents

All the latest announcements and information from the life of the facility

The noticeboard

The noticeboard is the place where the facility will inform the parent about all the news. Depending on the preferences of the facility, all kinds of announcements can appear here:

Events, announcements, menu for the following weeks, image galleries, films and surveys.

Anything the facility wants to inform parents about.

A parent can view the noticeboards by going to the Announcements > Noticeboard.

Published announcements will be displayed in the 'All' category and in the category selected by the facility.

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In addition, at the top of the board we see pinned announcements - usually the most important information from the facility, which the parent can easily access without having to find the announcement.

Under each announcement, a parent can leave a like and add a comment if the published post allows comments. The added comment will also be visible to other receivers of this post and if you want to delete an added comment, just click the red trash icon.

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Daily summary

The daily summary is the main screen of the application, which will be visible after a parent logs into his or her account. It will include the published announcements, the child's activities sent or events that the facility has added to the calendar.

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From this view, a parent can quickly report a child's absence for a selected day or days in the future. Using the button at the top of the summary 'Report an absence'